I’m done — Mantra To Those Who Feel Stuck

Izumi Shimanouchi
1 min readOct 7, 2021

I’m done.

I’m done always thinking about doing something and spending so long thinking about it but never putting it in action.

I’m done saying “I want to do this” “I’m thinking about doing this” without actually following through with it.

I’m done with making excuses every time I don’t follow through after, blaming it on time, being busy, etc.

I’m done with then being envious of others for what their progress and achievements.

I’m done playing into my imposter syndrome.

I’m done thinking that I can’t be perfect by embracing the imperfection.

I’m done being stuck in the same space and not allowing myself to grow to become someone I want, by fearing who I am now and what I am currently incapable of.

I’m not perfect.

I’m a beginner in so many things.

I’m just getting started.

I’m going to get down and dirty and fully embrace my progress and enjoy every step of my journey to become who I really want to.



Izumi Shimanouchi

27 year old working in med tech, thinking out loudly here to try figure out adult life.